Tuesday, May 31, 2011


honestly, i'm relieved. i expected it to be closer to 110. not that i'm happy with this number-- you know i'm not! i want to get down to 90 again, and be in the double-digits by my return to school (late august).

i can do that, right? 7 pounds in 3 months?

i see how a lot of you guys give yourselves rewards for reaching certain sub-goals, and i want to try that. i know that when i get to 90, i want to get full-bangs like zooey deschanel, but on the way? i'm not sure. i like clothes and books, and i started taking ballet, so i could use some dancewear, but i'm not sure how i want to space it out. maybe every 2.5 pounds?

it's kind of exciting!

so, to get you guys up to speed-ish, i just finished my first year of college/ uni, and it was awesome! i really like where i am and i'm excited to go back!

my family has moved, so i'm there/ here right now with them. it's kind of lonely because i'm so far from my friends and the place i consider my home still, but all of my relatives are here, so at least i have them.

my mom replaced our family car which, as stupid as it is, i'm really upset about. i learned how to drive in that car and drove to school every day in it-- i just loved that car. i loved the way it drove, i loved the familiarity... i get (overly) sentimental sometimes. i don't know...

that's all i can think of. hope you guys are doing well! i've gotta catch up on your blogs!
